15 September 2006

my thug drink

yes, i'm still alive. school has been back in session for almost two weeks and i feel like i need a vacation already. this semester is going to be tough. the good news is: i got a job at a preschool (at the world bank, in fact) working only 10 hours a week that pays literally twice the wage i got at the parent-teacher store over the summer. goodbye slave labor....

ok i think is really funny. i took another one of those blog quizzes....this one is supposed to find out what my inner mixed 'thug' drink is. i figured since i don't drink alcohol it would interesting to see what kind of drink my inner psyche relates to--way more interesting and funny than finding out
what color my aura is or what my name means. well, here's the answer i got:

Take the quiz:
What thug drink are you?

Grape Juice
You are your own very special thug. You dont like to drink alcohol but thats ok... i guess.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

figures. i don't even like grape juice.

in other news, visit rox's blog for an innovative yet frightening perspective on aging.

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